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Si estás buscando ampliar tu vocabulario y no sabes de donde sacar palabras nuevas, en este posteo te traemos más de 50 palabras en inglés con la letra A. Sigue leyendo y aprende.

Cómo aprender palabras con A en inglés

Una forma sencilla y divertida de aprender palabras con A en inglés es a través de la creación de historias o relatos.

Para poder recordar cada palabra nueva deberás formar un historia con las palabras que desees aprender, es una manera más amena de retener en la memoria las distintas palabras. Anímate, crea y aprende.

Sustantivos con la letra A en inglés

A continuación, encontrarás distintos sustantivos con la letra A en inglés.

1. Acrobat

2. Address

3. Age

4. Air

5. Airplane

6. Answer

7. Animal

8. Apple

9. Art

10. Action

Adjetivos con la letra A en inglés

Aquí debajo hallarás una lista con adjetivos con la letra A en inglés.

1. Another

2. Any

3. Acid

4. Asleep

5. Awake

6. Angry

7. All

8. Alike

9. American

10. Alone

Verbos con la letra A en inglés

Si quieres aprender nuevos verbos, aquí te brindaremos una amplia lista con verbos con la letra A en inglés.

1. Accept

2. Acknowledge

3. Admit

4. Adapt

5. Adopt

6. Advertise

7. Adore

8. Aim

9. Agree

10. Aid

Más palabras con A en inglés

Para que sigas aprendiendo, te dejamos más palabras con A en inglés.

1. Average

2. Actress

3. Attempt

4. Athlete

5. Alligator

6. Afraid

7. Assist

8. Ambulance

9. Active

10. Attack

Oraciones con palabras con A en inglés

En este apartado hallarás algunas diversas oraciones con palabras con A en inglés.

1. I have set myself a year-end goal to improve my academic average. That is why I will dedicate more hours of study to the school.

2. I don’t know what dress to wear to the party tonight. I have two dresses, one is short and purple and the another is short and blue.My ex-partner sent me a friend request, I don’t know what to do. Do I accept it or not?

3. Today on my first day of practice I had to assist a woman in the emergency room who fainted.

4. When I finish school I want to study something related to art, it could be music or theater, I haven’t decided yet.

5. I still can’t understand how my brother is capable of altering me in just two minutes. It makes me tired.

6. I am very afraid of traveling by airplane, every time I have to do it I get panic attacks, it’s horrible.

7. Alligators are carnivorous animals and feed on fish and small specimens, both reptiles and mammals.

8. Today I will make an apple pie to take to school tomorrow and share with my classmates.

9. You forgive me? You can’t be angry for so long, I don’t know what else to do for you to forgive me.

10. On Saturday I will go to a fair where there are puppies to adopt, I will surely take one home.

11. I have trained my dog ​​so that when I say «attack» he will defend me from any danger.

12. Today I got into an ambulance for the first time, they helped me because my blood pressure dropped on the street

13. I’m sorry, I can’t go to lunch, I have to aid my mother to clean the garden. Next time I promise to go.

14. I have an uncle who is American, he still doesn’t handle the Spanish language very well, but he makes himself understood. He still has a long way to go to speak fluently

15. On the weekend I will go to the circus with my family, I can’t wait to see the acrobats on stage. They are my favorite actors.

16. I’m sorry, I fell asleep last night that’s why I didn’t reply to your messages. Do you want to party today?